Analogue and digital transfers ranging from DVD, DAT, DA-88, 35mm, 1/4-inch, Pro Tools, and Avid. We utilize the highest quality analogue to digital conversion tools at sample rates up 192 kHz.
Video digitizing and compression for sound and music editorial from Blu-ray, DVD, Betacam SP, 3/4-inch Umatic, VHS, and others.
File and session conversion between AES-31, Akai, Broadcast Wave, Fairlight, OMFI, Waveframe, MMR/MMP, Zaxcom Deva and Pro Tools. Dialog, sound effects, and archival noise reduction and sound mastering.
DVD authoring for producer and director mix approval. EDL auto-conforming from Pro Tools, DA88, DAT, and 1/4-inch. We can also author custom databases and scripts for file management and EDL cleanup during ongoing projects with complicated inventories of audio data and multi track auto conforms.
Dantracks Turnover Specs (pdf)